The Four Treasures of the Study in China

Emma Huskins -- Thu 3, 2013, 6:25 pm

What are the Chinese four treasures of the Study?

1 Replies

# 1 Re: The Four Treasures of the Study in China

Hens -- Fri 4, 2013, 10:50 am

The Four Treasures of the Study, called Wen Fang Si Bao in Chinese, is an expression used to refer to the ink brush, ink stick, paper and ink-slab used in Chinese calligraphy and painting. The name stems from the time of the Southern and Northern dynasties (420-589 AD). Brush (bi) and ink (mo) are two of the legendary "Four Treasures of the Study" tools of Chinese calligraphers, painters and poets over thousands of years. The other vital elements of culture are the rice paper (zhi), and the inkstone (yan) for grinding the solidified ink-slabs.

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